Thayer’s definition for confidence:
3954 parrhesia- 1) freedom in speaking, unreservedness in speech a) openly, frankly, that is, without concealment 2) free and fearless confidence, cheerful courage, boldness, assurance Confidence, boldness, assurance; where do these come from and how can I maintain this in my walk, knowing who I serve and how to be an example of the believers? Is this something that just happens once in a while or is this something I have access to all the time? Is having confidence in the Lord and the good work He has begun in me something I can continue in or was it just something I experience periodically, is it just for certain special people? Be assured Church, that God would like nothing better than to see His people operate in a boldness and assurance, as well a confidence in their walk and in their prayers so that they can know that not only are they being heard, but answered also. 1 John 3:21-23 Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God. (22) And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. (23) And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment. (KJV) You know all those prayer requests you make to God, well He requests things in return, like being a doer of the word of God and not a hearer only. Verse 22 is clear to point out our responsibility in order to receive our requests. Are you as quick to respond to God and His word as you want Him to be when you request His help? Remember, this relationship you have with your heavenly Father is a two way street. He answers you and desires for you to answer Him also. You wonder at times why your prayers don’t seem to be getting answered or maybe you don’t have much confidence in what you are doing. Maybe you are not in place you need to be or maybe you are pursuing a matter that is drawing you away from God instead of closer. The more you are a doer of the word of God, a go to guy that responds to the call of our Father, the more confidence you will have when you make your requests to Him also. Simply put, with what measure you give out is given back your way; so if nothing seems to be coming your way you may need to find out if you are going the right way. Nothing in the realm of God just happens by chance or luck, which by the way none of these two words should be a part of any Christians vocabulary, but rather all the promises of God are a definite done deal to those that are willing and obedient to His word. You will find that the more you respond to God and draw near to Him the more He draws near to you as well; and the closer you get to Him the more confident you become in His word and promises. The farther away from Him you are the harder it is to hear His voice and to know what He is asking of you. So the farther away from Him you are, the more you are removed from the confidence and boldness you may have once had in His word, like the term dull of hearing. Williams New Testament translation for 1John 3:20-23 20. because if our consciences do condemn us, God is greater than our consciences, and He knows everything. 21. Dearly beloved, if our consciences do not condemn us, we come with perfect confidence to God, 22. and we obtain from Him whatever we ask for, because we practice obedience to His commands and do what pleases Him. Before you get all worked up or think God doesn’t answer your prayers because He loves you less, the truth be known He is desiring for you to get to know Him better and accomplish His perfect will in you. However, He does expect you to practice what you preach, to follow through with your commitment with Him. The same diligence you have shown in the past to achieve your earthly desires should now be aimed at His desire and what is pleasing in His sight. You wish to have confidence in your walk with the Lord, then answer His call and walk by faith, and you will find the Lord answering your requests as well. 1 John 5:13-15 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. (14) And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: (15) And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. (KJV) When one believes on the name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, then they believe that truly He that is within them is greater than anyone or anything in this fallen world. You trust in the name which is above all names, the only name in which you can have salvation as well as access to the throne of God. Your confidence is built on the completed work Jesus Christ has done on your behalf, and now your only desire is to do those things that are pleasing to God, which is why you know He hears you. You are also confident in this fact that God said that there is one mediator between Him and mankind, that being Jesus Christ. So if I come to my Father through that name, then I now can come boldly to His throne, holding Him to be true to His word. The more you hold God to be true and man the liar, the more confidence and trust you will build with our Father. While most of the world and worldly people are more apt to hold man’s word and interpretations above God, we can clearly see why they are not confident in their walk with Him and why their prayer life is not effective at all. Ephesians 3:10-12 To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, (11) According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: (12) In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him. (KJV) Talk about hitting the tri-fecta, there is definitely three things every Christian should have in their walk, boldness and access with confidence. Again we see this is all a result of the Lord’s purpose for our life, which is being purposed to us through Christ Jesus our Lord. Now be forewarned, you will experience opposition when trying to access the Father, especially from the principalities and powers that would like to keep you in darkness. But it is up to the Church, those that know who they are in Christ and their rights and authority they have by that name, to continue to operate in the manifold spiritual wisdom of God and walk according to His purpose. In all things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us; so rather than giving ear to the voice of the enemy and withdrawing, tell him to step aside and get behind you, as you are going to proceed forward and not draw back. The devil is a liar and the father of them; you know the truth that has set you free, so don’t be afraid to remind the enemy who you are in Christ and confidently remind your opponents the victory you have by that name. Ephesians 6:11-13 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. (12) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (13) Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. (KJV) The closer you get to God, the more opposition you will find getting there. Similar to a football team driving down the field to the end zone, they may move the ball fairly well on one side of the field, but once they get close to the goal line they will find the defense stiffens and will put up a goal line stand. Those that have a heavenly game plan, following the purpose of our Lord, will know the name that will get them past the goal line and into the realm of the Spirit, while others will find themselves sacked and thrown for a loss. Romans 13:14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. (KJV) The armor of God is spiritual, by putting on Jesus Christ you are putting on God’s uniform and protective gear, while anything less will leave you exposed and open to injury. Jesus Christ has already punched a trail past the goal line by following God’s plan; now the question is ‘will you follow the same path of a winner, or will you end up a whiner?’ God bless and have a prosperous day in Christ Jesus our Lord. |
AuthorWe are stewards of the mystery of Christ. Ambassadors on His behalf to share the conditions of peace with God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Archives
February 2025